Freshly dressed, he returned to the galley and found coffee.
At his own request, Lymond came back to the study at nightfall, clean, bandaged, freshly dressed and anointed, as he pointed out, with delicate things of sweet smell.
The Federation, Imperial, and Direidi principals, showered and freshly dressed, sat in the hotel lobby.
Although showered now and freshly dressed, von Loringhoven was fuming exactly as much as he'd done when he'd first gotten back.
"Ours is a small community," he said as he set off for the Bangiyev home, freshly dressed in a clean shirt and tie.
When he arrived, he was stripped, washed, oiled, and freshly dressed from head to foot in garments woven by the lady of the house and her servants.
Finally, when Marius came, he too was freshly dressed, his hair parted in the middle and combed to his shoulders.
After dinner, freshly dressed, full of food and a warm glow, and thoroughly tired, I wandered over to look at the other cabin along with Jimmy.
A quarter of an hour later, a clean, shaven, and freshly dressed Giogi returned to the parlor.
A moment later, we see Dr. Starzl, freshly dressed, looking for fresh doughnuts in the hospital kitchen.