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The living members of the group are special freshwater fish.
It is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.
Several species are known to cause disease in freshwater fish.
The lake is home to 75 species of freshwater fish.
There are 80 species in this family of freshwater fishes.
The rest, 48 species, are cultivated or wild freshwater fish.
In general, the states do a good job of managing their freshwater fishes.
No other freshwater fish is found as far north.
Do not use it for freshwater fish, which should never be consumed raw.
And the light gray one is a freshwater fish called dancing silver.
In his leisure time White may be found freshwater fishing and game hunting.
It is a tropical freshwater fish common to the aquarium trade.
It has the world's highest diversity of birds and freshwater fish.
However, freshwater fish seem particularly threatened because they often live in relatively small water bodies.
The raising of freshwater fish is a growing industry in the municipality as well.
Both saltwater and freshwater fish species exist in the same body of water.
The name was contributed by Malaysia and refers to a freshwater fish.
Africa is the richest continent of freshwater fish, with about 3000 species.
Like the rest of its genus, it is exclusively a freshwater fish.
It tastes at once sweet, like a freshwater fish, and deeply of the sea.
Lunch might be a local freshwater fish; dinner, chicken or spaghetti.
The red shift of some freshwater fish is so extreme that they can see light invisible to our eyes.
A total of 338 freshwater fish species have been identified on the Yangtze.
"Thank you, I'm happy with freshwater fish, and my servants can keep chickens."
Freshwater fish culture is severely limited by the supply of suitable water.