The lnian Islands were used for fox farms in the 1920s and still provide harbor for commercial fishing vessels.
("There is no place on this planet more horrible than a fox farm during pelting season.")
The fox farm was located near what is now the Pine Cliff area.
Old Tom had already done a little time at the fox farm and, while exhausting the appeals process, had got religion.
In 1966 he closed the fox farm.
Shortly after sighting the first landmark, A-cam stumbles upon a fox farm, which he must cross in order to get home.
In Denmark, we have large fox farms, and these are dreadful too, no matter what type of trapping is practised.
Some difference from the girls at the fox farm.
Down at the fox farm they had a bad chimney and I built it over in fine shape.
And then he started a fox farm, raised foxes up into the 50's.
The lnian Islands were used for fox farms in the 1920s and still provide harbor for commercial fishing vessels.
("There is no place on this planet more horrible than a fox farm during pelting season.")
The fox farm was located near what is now the Pine Cliff area.
Old Tom had already done a little time at the fox farm and, while exhausting the appeals process, had got religion.
In 1966 he closed the fox farm.
Shortly after sighting the first landmark, A-cam stumbles upon a fox farm, which he must cross in order to get home.
In Denmark, we have large fox farms, and these are dreadful too, no matter what type of trapping is practised.
Some difference from the girls at the fox farm.
Down at the fox farm they had a bad chimney and I built it over in fine shape.
And then he started a fox farm, raised foxes up into the 50's.