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The legal (formalistic) tests used can be demonstrated by two cases.
The "secrets" involved are apparently that in only a formalistic sense.
Such teachers appreciate the function of play rather than formalistic instruction in the learning process.
We want to see what the results are before we get ourselves too formalistic here.
The answer to that is, of course it's formalistic!
You write as if formalistic narrative invention had never existed before!
Too modern art started to be considered "formalistic", and artists were brought together under one aegis.
Unravelling cases is not, as some commentators have suggested, a formalistic process.
One of their first steps was to insist on a formalistic, "plain meaning" approach to law.
Korean calligraphy became increasingly formalistic in the years that followed.
The Dissent was somewhat formalistic in its objections to the majority finding.
The first explanation relies on a limited and formalistic notion of equality.
The latter has been regarded as a classical example of formalistic analysis in economic anthropology.
Although their writings often reflected reality very clearly, the overriding effect was formalistic.
But Pakistan declined to go beyond that formalistic undertaking.
According to formalistic criteria, most Americans have not heard of the senior poets of the day.
To say a teenage student has a real choice not to attend her high school graduation is formalistic in the extreme.
Influenced by government structures, much of the city's architecture tends to be formalistic and functional.
"We hesitated because for so long Picasso reigned with a formalistic tyranny," he said.
In doing so, we moved away from the highly formalistic system we had for the first 188 years of our copyright heritage.
Part of it is the formalistic courtesies of war.
"You criticize our work from a purist, formalistic and classicist point of view.
She says: "The garden itself is very formalistic.
God save us from a formalistic approach.
The yeshivot were always busy teaching, but their output was very formalistic.