They continued to zoom in until a grainy image formed amid the murky liquid floating near the prism.
Waves of summoned e iergy dashed in succession into the construct formed amid th,- focus pattern.
The dam has changed the geographic face of China, its reservoir forming a giant man-made lake amid stunning and once splendidly remote cliffs.
Growing daylight did not keep away the thing that had begun to form amid her waving tendrils.
The Creoles, and to a much larger extent the Lebanese, formed a rudimentary middle class amid the large body of African tribesmen.
They formed the usual cordon amid the deepening dusk.
He was smiling, his lips forming a ruddy curve amid the black beard.
The lake, manmade decades earlier from a gigantic, abandoned quarry, forms a comma shape amid the rough terrain.
THE parade was passing the silent courthouse, where windows formed black blocks amid the white stone front.
One heave and The Shadow was clear of the lashing flame, safe in the hallway that formed a last oasis amid disaster.