The water was still, flowing peacefully between its rocky walls towards the desert in which it would be lost, just as the life of some good man flows towards death.
He did not expect life to flow peacefully.
His kidneys no longer pained him, his heart stopped palpitating; his blood flowed peacefully, contentedly from head to toe and irrigated the afflicted, jaundiced body.
The river flowed peacefully as if nothing had happened.
It was early afternoon in the world above, and the sunlight was reflected on the river, which was now flowing peacefully into the gorge.
Water trickled from the ceiling and flowed peacefully into the pool without disturbing the surface.
In some respects, Jerit's life flowed peacefully, like a river, with a predictable outcome based on his growing experience and determined sense of duty.
The Seine was flowing peacefully by.
This time it flowed softly and peacefully down her arms, making her feel nearly as relaxed as the boy, who went to sleep instantly.
"Now the Rubicon peacefully flows into the Styx."