At that level the rock is saturated with water, which then flows horizontally over wide areas, eventually reaching wells and springs, and then humans.
The air or gas stream flows horizontally through the spaces between the wires, and then passes through the stack of plates.
Then it flows horizontally toward the South Pole in what's called The Hadley circulation cell.
These may be arranged so the gas flows horizontally or vertically across the axis of rotation.
In comparison, the Sagebien wheel had the water enter through a channel, flowing horizontally.
An example of this is air flowing horizontally over a hot or cold pipe.
In the image, the Rhine flows horizontally across the field of view, between green fields, under an overcast sky.
Unfortunately, this connection is unique only for horizontally flowing current systems.
Elsewhere, they flow horizontally or in wavy diagonals.
In this vessel, the gas flows horizontally through a number of spray sections.