He watched the Flanker make a minute change in course and tapped the flight controls to follow it.
We'd have to set the flight controls to put us into lunar orbit on automatic.
Her captain set a course and then turned the flight controls over to Iskander Baza, his second-in-command.
The flight controls at the joint were maintained by a system of push pads.
"My father loves to fish," the senior lieutenant said, manipulating the flight controls to Hover.
The failure caused the flight controls to stop responding, and although he activated the ejection seat, it did not save him.
They solve differential equations to determine the appropriate command signals that move the flight controls to execute the intentions of the pilot.
Next to it, equally elaborate, the flight controls that would guide the cable pod down through Earth's atmosphere.
Aviation, airport, and flight control all called for more capacity and infrastructure.
Although there is only a single main wheel, the glider's wing can be kept level by using the flight controls until it is almost stationary.