It's a lot of flashing lightning in a very short time.
He felt afraid, for the redbeard's face flashed lightning, as if the coming flames had already fallen over him.
His eyes flashed blue lightning as he retorted, "No.
Milady arose as if moved by a powerful spring, and her eyes flashed lightning.
Clouds were animated with flashing lightning and drizzling rain.
Even in the form of a night mist, the wizard's eyes flashed lightning.
Above him the storms rampaging across the visionary ceiling flashed purple lightning and pummelled away at each other like waves assaulting a beach.
The blue eyes flashed lightning.
Like a living thing, it ripped across the basin, flashing multicolored lightning.
As always, she envisioned the night electrified by a storm--raging winds, pelting rain, flashing lightning.