The scenery is typical Sutherland, with verges of peat, bog myrtle and flag iris, and heathery moors relieved by outcrops of gneiss.
After two more miles, formerly lined with yellow flag iris but now destroyed by 'improvements', a side road branches off to Killilan along the beautiful banks of Loch Long.
Along the islands shore grow 20 species of water plants such as blue flag iris, lizard's tail and pickerelweed.
Rhizome - e.g. Iris pseudacorus (yellow flag iris)
The Scuppernong River provides a habitat for swamp dogwood, evening primrose, blue flag iris and cardinal flowers.
The vegetation surrounding the lake is dominated on its west side by bamboo with examples of flag iris, and loosestrife occurring in less densely vegetated areas of the banks.
The Madonna lily is often described as being the basis of the fleur de lis, though the shape of this stylised flower more strongly resembles that of a flag iris.
Strong growing yellow flag iris.
The Thames wound its green-and-gray way along the foot of the lawns where lines of tall yellow flag iris stood sentinel.
The shoreline is now softened by water-loving plants like cattail, flag iris, cardinal flower and Joe-Pye-weed.