Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Well I mean it's the first position ever of such sort.
And when he stands, his feet turn in first position.
His first position was as a kitchen boy in 1326.
He carefully let the picture go back into its first position.
His first position was in the bank's dealing room back office.
It is his first position where he has not been a team head coach for more than two decades.
Today's action was the first position taken by the association on an abortion bill.
The film held the first position in its opening weekend with $27.3 million.
How young he is, thinks Simon; this must be his first position.
On the next lap, Burton moved into the first position.
This is generally the first position one might take in seeking a high political career.
This leaves Sunday in the first position of the week count.
In the first position, a six is just a six.
Another caution on lap 192 moved the 11 car up to the first position.
Her first position at Vogue was working in the mail room.
The first position is probably the most common one.
He moved the drive control into its first position as a checkout.
"But if we look at very small differences, Motorola has the first position."
"You can take the first position on my right, Garry."
I think Brazil will not arrive in the two first positions.
Then he stood back, and resumed his first position, looking at the body of the murdered man.
"He felt that you were not suited to the first positions I mentioned."
Stewart maintained the first position to win his second race of the season.
It was the first position in the capital city performed by a representative of the family.