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Fifth is the on board fire control system that all cars must have.
In addition the tank is using a sophisticated fire control system.
Most of the improvements were instead made in ammunition and fire control systems.
There were evolutions in the fire control systems as well.
At that time, the British primarily used a manual fire control system.
All five mounts were operated by one fire control system.
The tank was equipped with the most advanced fire control system of the time.
The fire control system allows the weapons to be used while the vehicle is moving, and in all weather conditions.
In addition, three fire control systems and the radar were put out of action from mechanical shock.
"With the fire control system we had then, they could hit something the size of a small house at twenty miles, as I recall.
Next to him, Penny sat down at another intact console, and began trying to bring up the fire control systems.
An upgrade program was started in 1986 to fit all vehicles with improved fire control systems.
It is equipped with the 1A46 fire control system and a new turret.
The building's fire control system put out the blaze.
A new fire control system, the MD-9, was introduced on this model.
Electronic combat systems are also reduced and consist only of one gun fire control System.
In 2008 the Russian armed forces ordered an improved model with an automated fire control system.
A computerised fire control system was added and a searchlight over the main gun.
The fire control system ensures accurate firing in all weather conditions.
Future upgrades will include a digital fire control system and improved power pack.
The Fire Control system barely has time to lock it on target.
It seemed to take an eternity before the fire control system finally offered him the telltale tone.
The computer system uses an open architecture and is claimed to be compatible with many existing fire control systems.
From base modification it differs in increased protection, fire control system and engine.
The United States will turn over the codes that are needed for the fighter's fire control system.