Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
He felt the man's head, running his finger tips over the temple.
The idea of everyone connected all the time, the entire world at our finger tips.
She reached out and touched it with a finger tip.
She approached and placed her finger tips upon my face.
There seem to be very few people who read poetry at the finger tips, so to speak.
People with learning disabilities do not have these strategies at their finger tips.
He braced his finger tips together and spoke through them.
To form pods, the players place only their finger tips on the table.
He could feel the strain from finger tips to toes.
A slender finger tip moved from one pin to another.
He was running a finger tip back and forth along the straight line of his nose.
"And if you touch her neck, only use your finger tips like this."
They literally held on by their finger tips to achieve this.
He will place his finger tips on your forehead and probably say a few words of greeting.
Jackets were important and usually longer in line, often reaching to the finger tips.
He tried to get the feel of the jelly by rolling it against his finger tips.
Doctor Thomas leaned back and joined his finger tips together.
The man held the bottle gingerly at his finger tips.
The boy's refusal to kill again cost him an ear and several finger tips.
That's a piece of shared wisdom now, something the culture knows down to its finger tips.
The finger tips no longer made contact between them.
One season, the world is in black nail polish; the next, all finger tips turn baby blue.
I used my finger tips to make small, light circles over her shoulders and upper back.