Still, when he came across a nature documentary, he paused.
Watch a nature documentary, flip through a coffee table book, or review photos of a past trip to a national park.
The show took the form of a nature documentary.
He has also directed a nature documentary for French television.
About all you can remember, say, is that it was a nature documentary on public television months ago.
The festival shows full-length and short nature documentaries about animals in their natural habitat.
There are bound to be some sublime nature documentaries in television's future.
But the net effect is akin to watching a nature documentary.
News is top notch and its nature documentaries set the world standard.
First up, let's hit the trailer for the best nature documentary you probably never saw.
Jim Dutcher has written several books and made nature films about wolves.
Kent began his own nature film making business in the 60's and 70's.
"Now between you and me, I fall asleep at nature films," he said.
You can see this in the nature films on television.
Forrest wrote, produced and narrated his own nature films as well.
Occasionally they were all allowed to watch instructional programs and nature films.
But thanks to slow-motion camera work, the wonder can be seen now in nature films.
Andy Young was in Madagascar working on a nature film.
The gator was an actor in a nature film.
Many nature films followed but he had limited funds, so much of his early equipment was improvised and home made.
It works just fine as a sophisticated wildlife documentary with a submerged narrative.
He has also led courses since 1988 aimed at those seeking to enter natural history television as a career on how to make wildlife documentaries.
Like many traditional wildlife documentaries, it makes use of almost no computer animation.
While in Africa she also made wildlife documentaries on 16mm film, and later photographed the civil unrest of the continent.
It also set the standard for future expeditions and wildlife documentaries.
He travels around the world with his family making wildlife documentaries.
In fact a whole wildlife documentary plays out in front of our tent.
His Life series changed the course of wildlife documentaries.
The Roots may be giving us a wildlife documentary, but the sequence has the elements of a fairy tale.
He writes, edits and films wildlife documentaries for the society.