Spending on such cultural attractions as plays, museums, concerts, art exhibits, historical sites, fairs, festivals and zoos increased to $9.1 billion from $8.2 billion.
In 2007 the festival expanded to include Sydney and Brisbane, and increased the number of bands performing.
Tournaments and festivals increased and the Championship Era began.
The festival has consistently increased in size over the years, with more talented artists involved and more impressive techniques and pieces on show.
Storytelling has become very popular in New Jersey, and I think the festivals and events just for storytelling will likely increase rapidly.
In 2009, the festival increased in attendance thanks to the appearance of various officials.
The festival continued annually and increased in popularity.
In addition to establishing a museum, Canarian traditional festivals were preserved and attendance markedly increases each year.
The festival increased to a weekend-long event in 2003 with 195 events, and in 2005 became a nine-day festival under the name National Archaeology Week.
Cultural festivals held by the city have dramatically increased tourism.