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"Why do men always refer to their ships in the feminine gender?"
Like in Latin, the feminine gender of the tree name is maintained.
In French, nouns show either masculine or feminine gender only.
The feminine gender of "die Wachau" does not change, though the case might.
She 'as to come on like 'ickory and steel to run us lot, but she's still feminine gender.
Hinduism believes in the universal creative forces to be feminine gender.
It has a feminine gender and refers to the goddess or Shakti.
The same endings are used for the feminine gender of Latin adjectives.
The feminine gender disappeared in the 16th century.
He was dimly conscious of a young person of feminine gender who came and sat at his side.
The Longana is a legendary aquatic creature of the feminine gender.
The word 'timpán' was of both masculine and feminine gender in classical Irish.
Like seafarers, the zeppelin men always referred to their charges in the feminine gender.
According to sociological research, traditional feminine gender roles have become less relevant in Western society since industrialization started.
In both Russian and Arabic, the singulative form always takes on the feminine gender.
The difference is that the monetary unit has a feminine gender, while "book" is masculine.
This view claims that a person could therefore be born with male genitals but still be of feminine gender.
A woman is chosen as subject because the Latin avaritia is of the feminine gender.
The admiral referred to any vessel, scow or aircraft carrier in the feminine gender.
At the most obvious level there are different dress codes to denote masculine and feminine genders.
Amharic nouns can have a masculine or feminine gender.
Feminine gender words (the same cases as above):
Every noun in Spanish is considered to have either masculine or feminine gender for grammatical purposes.