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She felt dead on her feet and didn't have the energy to question them further.
"I spent so much of my life feeling dead inside," he said.
He felt dead inside knowing he'd never see her again.
Unfortunately, he was beginning to feel dead all the time.
Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it's there.
Kelly had felt dead inside for a very long time.
But he says a part of him feels dead anyway.
The warm arms around me slipped away, and I felt dead.
She should have been angry, but her emotions felt dead.
He felt dead inside, condemned to a life without Julia.
The trouble with theater's past is that it so often feels dead.
It was just after six o'clock on a Saturday evening, but the place felt dead.
Already the musket felt dead heavy in his right hand.
It was cold in her mouth and felt dead, despite its pretense of life.
He could sense why nothing grew there, for the rocky soil looked and felt dead.
Mym kept a smile on his face, but now he felt dead inside.
The deck of the Wheel felt dead under his cheek.
He felt dead tired and lead-heavy in his whole body.
I don't feel dead, but I'm not afraid of making you let go."
A dining room laid out too generously can feel dead.
"The problem was with my legs; they weren't working at all and they felt dead."
She had a headache coming on, felt dead beat.
Then suddenly, without release or warning, he felt dead.
It didn't feel dead or dying, and yet I knew it was.