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General animal feeding stuffs are dealt with in more detail in Section 5.
Only if they are feeding stuffs themselves.
All seeds that produce food of a kind for human consumption or animal feeding stuffs can be zero-rated.
Oils and fats (including tallow's) of a kind suitable for use in animal feeding stuffs are zero-rated unless:
Some feeding stuffs incorporate medicines and the VAT liability is determined by the basic nature of the product.
Work on the revision of EU rules on veterinary medicinal products and medicated feeding stuffs is ongoing.
You can zero-rate supplies of most commodities recognised as animal feeding stuffs by the trade and by farmers, that is:
Wartime shortages led to the creation of Tottenham Pudding, a mixture of household waste food which was converted into feeding stuffs for pigs and poultry.
Since leaving India he had been Director of Animal Feeding Stuffs for the Ministry of Food.
In the European Union, pet food is regulated by the same harmonized standards across the EU, via the Feeding Stuffs Act.
Components having no significant nutritive value, such as flavourings, appetisers, binders and colouring agents, are standard-rated even if they are supplied as ingredients for animal feeding stuffs.
A good deal of European feed is imported from elsewhere in the world, and mainly from Brazil and Argentina, where the share of genetically modified feeding stuffs is huge.
Harry Raper Humphries, Esq., O.B.E., Director, Animal Feeding Stuffs Division, Ministry of Food.
In particular it was found that the British decision to alter the manufacturing process which lowered sterilization standards for meat and bonemeal used in compound feeding stuffs for cattle allowed the emergence of the disease.
In some markets standardization is multilateral - to give just one example, Form 100 of the Grain and Feed Trade Association is used internationally for the shipment of feeding stuffs in bulk.
Some produce that is unfit for human consumption, such as waste and contaminated food products (including used cooking oil), may be eligible for zero-rating as animal feeding stuffs - see Notice 701/15 Animals and animal food.
The majority of the fields abut on good roads, whilst the, river being close at hand, affords an expeditious and cheap means of carriage for corn, coal, and feeding stuffs, thus reducing the tenants' expenses for cartage.
The intention is that products from animals that have been fed with genetically modified feeding stuffs, that is to say milk, eggs and meat, must be labelled, and I hope this receives the support of Parliament as a whole.
The Aspatria Agricultural Cooperative Society was established in Aspatria, Cumberland, England in 1870, after a group of local farmers combined to deal in artificial manures, feeding stuffs, seeds, and agricultural implements.
I began to see quite soon that by the time I had dismissed the things that would shortly be unprocurable, such as chemical fertilizers, imported feeding stuffs, and all but the simpler kinds of machinery, there was going to be much expenditure of sweat for problematical re-turns.
When talking about agriculture, it has to be clear to us that the European Union is the largest importer of food and feeding stuffs and that we, when obtaining agricultural products from the countries of the developing world, have to pay prices at our levels for them if these countries' economies are to develop.
Thus, when buying or selling barley, they take account of the supplies of such things as sugar, which can be used as substitutes for it in brewing, and again of all the various feeding stuffs, a scarcity of which might raise the value of barley for consumption on the farm.
In addition to a section devoted to soils and specimens of rocks and fossils the museum housed a variety of animal curiosities, chemical manure's, feeding stuffs, dairy implements, models of various farming implements, zoological specimens, a veterinary collection, and a collection of friendly and unfriendly insects.