The Andasol 1 plant has a guaranteed feed-in tariff of 0.21 euro for 25 years.
This does not meet the normal definition of feed-in tariff, and is referred to as a "fake feed-in tariff".
China has set a fixed feed-in tariff for new onshore wind power plants in a move that will help struggling project operators to realise profits.
Originally under the 661/2007, photovoltaic feed-in tariffs have been developed under a separate specific law frame due to the rapid growth experienced by this technology since release of the original scheme.
The PUC plans to review the initial feed-in tariff two years after the program starts and every three years thereafter.
Producers have been guaranteed a fixed feed-in tariff for 20 years, guaranteeing a fixed income.
Like other IPPs in Indonesia, the plant will sell the electricity produced to the PLN at an agreed feed-in tariff price.
But it was the revisions to the German feed-in tariffs in 2004, which gave the strongest impetus to the establishment of utility-scale solar power plants.
This is a net feed-in tariff for the state rather than a gross tariff.
The claimed savings cannot possible be realised, even with the proposed feed-in tariffs for the electricity generated.