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As I started my car, the first fat drops of rain were beginning to fall.
Water sprayed into the air and came down in fat drops.
When the first fat drops hit the wing, we climbed back inside.
She looked up as a few fat drops of rain landed on her cheek.
The first fat drops of rain began to fall.
The rain was spattering down now in big, fat drops.
The first fat drops of rain streaked the office windows.
Or just someone outrunning the rain that was beginning to fall in fat drops.
One huge, fat drop rolled down her right cheek.
Fat drops of rain began to splat against the windshield.
A few fat drops of rain splashed against his bare chest.
The first fat drops of rain began falling as I ran from the hotel across the square to the taxi stand.
The first fat drops of rain splattered as they reached the cottage door.
She smiled, enjoying the way the slow, fat drops soaked through her clothes.
I looked up, startled, and a second fat drop smacked the bridge of my nose.
Fat drops of water ran down his face.
The ceiling rained fat drops of water on us.
Fat drops of moisture fell from everything, including the butler and Picard.
A fat drop of rain splatted into the dust at the wizard's feet, then several more.
As the first fat drops of rain splattered the windshield, she set her chin.
The rain was still falling in intermittent fat drops.
And the musicians answered, not to be outdone, as the first fat drops of rain began to fall.
The first fat drops of rain flew through the air, as hard as pistol shot.
It was raining harder now, fat drops that shot out of the fog like bullets.
I heard the first patta-patta-pat as fat drops slapped the floorboards.