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I spent the next six summers at various fat camps, trying to make Grandma happy.
Duncan and Ricky spend five days at fat camp.
He was a chubby child and was even sent to "fat camp" by his parents.
She tried every diet imaginable and even spent months away from home at "fat camp," she said.
While fat camps often succeed in helping campers lose weight quickly, they are known for having little long-term success.
Oh good we're watching something called Fat Camp.
"For love," thinks the 11-year-old at the fat camp, "oh love."
Parents turn to fat camps for obesity solution ABC.
In common parlance the term "fat camp" is also often used (either humorously or with intended harm) to refer to these programs.
Mellin cautions parents against weight-loss programs for children that promise quick results, such as "fat camps."
She starred in the off-Broadway musical Fat Camp in 2012.
However, nobody seems to realize that this isn't Cartman, but a kid who recently escaped a drug rehabilitation center next door to the fat camp.
When Peter and Chris go away to fat camp, they cross paths with a serial killer who targets overweight teens.
Wellspring differentiates itself from traditional fat camps, where the focus has historically been on short-term weight loss rather than long-term lifestyle modification.
It's fat camp for daddy's 'chubby little secret'!"
The Argentine collapses like a cheap climbing frame at a fat camp, which won't endure him to anyone that doesn't support City.
Weight-loss retreats, spas, and resorts for adults the grown-up version of fat camps have been around for decades.
"Fat Camp Commandos Go West" is a pleasantly twisty sequel to last year's book of nearly the same name.
Some parents believe it is a fat camp, while others believe it is a military camp, or an acting camp.
Meanwhile, Cartman's mother and others from the town pay to send Cartman (against his will) to fat camp.
She thinks that "fat camp" teaches campers to hate their bodies, and rather than hate her extra weight, she'd rather embrace it.
Fat Camp Commandos (2001)
Fat Camp Commandos Go West (2003)
Albert Brooks guest starred in the episode as Bart's fitness instructor at fat camp in his fifth appearance on the show.
"Fat Camp" originally aired in the United States on December 6, 2000 on Comedy Central.