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Both the force of gravity acting upon every body and the fascial tissues she worked to reorganize are real in the scientific sense.
Whenever muscles and joints are moved this also exerts mechanical strain on related fascial tissues.
Fascial tissues are frequently innervated by sensory nerve endings.
Extensive crenation of superficial muscular and fascial tissue secondary to disruptor damage.
Both influences together triggered an increasing attention in sports science towards the question whether/how fascial tissues can be specifically stimulated with active exercises.
If the body is induced to move in a way which is geometrically correct, then the fascial tissues will alter to support this better movement.
Fascial tissues - particularly those with tendinous or aponeurotic properties - are also able to store and release kinetic energy.
When inflammatory fasciitis or trauma causes fibrosis and adhesions, fascial tissue fails to differentiate the adjacent structures effectively.
The technical advantages of the subfascial implant-pocket technique are debated; proponent surgeons report that the layer of fascial tissue provides greater implant coverage and better sustains its position.
Fascial spaces (also termed fascial tissue spaces, or tissue spaces), are potential spaces that exist between the fascia and underlying organs and other tissues.
It was shown that few elastic bounces per week can be sufficient to induce - over a period of several months - a higher elastic performance capacity in the affected related fascial tissues.
Sustainability: respecting the slower adaptation speed but more sustaining effects of fascial tissues (compared with muscles) by aiming at visible body improvements of longer time periods, usually said to happen over 3 to 24 months.
This insight happened roughly during the same time in which the field of fascia research attracted major attention by showing that fascial tissues are much more than passive transmitters of muscular tension (years 2007 - 2010).
Fascial tissue consists of plastic-like sheets that cover the muscles and muscle fibres and that come together at the ends of muscles to form tendons, which in turn attach muscles to bones.