Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Many of us would not be aware that conservation and organic farming share ecosystem management principles.
Perhaps more backyard growing when possible, or farm shares when not, might do the trick.
Laniado de Wind proposed to his partner to either buy or sell the farm shares from or to him.
Two summers ago, we participated in a "farm share," where every week we would get a box of organically raised produce.
In a community-based model, the developer/manager of a wind farm shares ownership of the project with area landowners and other community members.
Under this proposal, the remaining Holly Farms shares would be converted into Tyson stock.
Her farm shares eventually lapsed.
Though he does not expect the farm share to be welcomed back on campus, Mr. Zimmerman said he would try to find an alternate space.
Freshwater prawn farming shares many characteristics with, and many of the same problems as, marine shrimp farming.
In morning trade, Sanderson Farms shares reached $41.07 on the Nasdaq, their highest level in almost five months. '
Linda Bongard of Roanoke County said she is waiting for her $70 refund for two Sausser Farms shares.
As you develop your plan to reduce clinical mastitis in 2001, make sure that everyone working with cows on your farm shares in the ownership of the plan.
Under the agreement, Holly Farms shareholders will receive no less than 1.875 and no more than 2 shares of Conagra's stock for each Holly Farm share.
The decree is part of a larger farm-reform program that would grant all dependents of state and collective farms shares they could take as land or trade, sell, mortgage or bequeath.
Improved natural and organic produce continue to become available at local delis and grocers, the farmer's market on Malcolm X Boulevard, and through the Bed-Stuy Farm Share.
We provide so many services for the community - know-your-rights training, a farm share that provides healthy food, we've run a soup kitchen, we have provided baby-sitting services for people in the community.
This farmer is now a successful brewer of real ale called, appropriately enough, Larkins (the name Mr Dockerty's farm shares with the popular Kentish family created by H E Bates).
A range of unimpressive figures on GDP growth, the housing industry, industrial production and job layoffs kept optimism in check, although stronger commodity prices helped oil, mining and farm shares keep the markets from dropping harder.
The Food Project's 400 member CSA Farm Share program offers fresh vegetables, herbs and flowers and has pickup locations in Lincoln, Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington and Jamaica Plain.
In Homestead, Fla., on the fringe of the Everglades southwest of Miami, crowds gather once or twice a month when a local group, Farm Share, hands out canned goods and unsold produce collected from nearby farms.