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Based on those tenets, he founded the Bloomfield Farm Implement Museum in 1980.
Just across the street from the Firehall Museum is the Farm Implement museum.
He returned to Green Bay as Farm Implement Sales Manager.
I'm traveling for the Pequot Farm Implement Company.
Encyclopedia of American Farm Implements & Antiques.
By Friday that week Elmer had become a traveling salesman for the Pequot Farm Implement Company.
On June 13, 2005 Hardeman's private members bill, Farm Implements Amendment Act, received third reading and royal assent.
He was also responsible for Manitoba's Farm Implements Act and Producer Dealers Act.
The Farm Implement Amendment Act allowed financial institutions to lease farm equipment to farmers, a privilege previously reserved for implement dealers.
First held in 1989, the Lighted Farm Implement Parade has been called "the NW's premier lighted parade."
Funding in hand, Ware went to the J.I. Case Farm Implement Co. and brokered a deal for 24 tractors and the necessary implements.
Another brother, Roderick Buzacott was a major South Australian Farm Implement Manufacturer in the town of Blyth, located near Clare, where they were born and raised.
Besides a gas station, funeral home, medical clinic and realtor, Swayzee is home to Harper Garden Implements, a John Deere Dealership and Farm Implement Store, and repair shop.
Juan was more than just competent--he was good enough that Mad- dox paid him well and gave him free rein, ignor- ing all but the most vital aspects of Mad Dog Farm Implements Company.
"For those of you who're been out of regular service a little longer than T.J.," he said, "Mad Dog Maddox is a recently retired U.S. Army colonel who owns an offshore farm-implement manufacturing company in the Caribbean--Mad Dog Farm Implements.
Henry Lee was a partner in the Pioneer Seed Company of Denver, and also owned Henry Lee's Seed and Farm Implements, selling seeds and farm equipment, and designing and selling farm and market wagons, road carts, spring wagons, surreys, and carriages.