Livingston prepared a number of state papers for President Jackson, the most important being the famous anti-nullification proclamation of the 10th of December 1832.
Nguyễn Trãi penned a famous proclamation of victory.
The Chǒng'uhoe, which had been formed in April 1926, made their famous proclamation on November of the same year.
Rather than evacuate, he stayed in the building and wrote his famous proclamation, "For Freedom and Truth", as he awaited arrest.
And issue a famous proclamation.
Rockwood was in the wagon with Young when he made his famous proclamation about the Salt Lake Valley, "This is the right place".
His now famous proclamation began: "Citizens of Utah.
His enemies, however, had fled, and during the occupation of Brownsville, he issued a famous proclamation to reveal his intentions to both communities.
Velu Thampi then went to Kundara where he made his famous proclamation in January 1809 urging the people to fight the British.
Inverting conventional patriotic imagery and fragmenting famous proclamations, she is taking metaphorical account of the very country itself.