The priest nodded; it was clear he was not loath to take himself back to familiar confines.
Would she retreat back to the familiar confines of her mental prison?
For quite a few years, the company stuck within familiar confines, and virtually all of these products involved gum in some way.
With a moan she dropped her hand and gazed at the familiar confines of her room.
The center of the city: the familiar confines of the House of Knowledge.
Down below, in the darkness and familiar confines of the rebel underworld, the Rejects would teach a final, deadly lesson to their enemies.
Still, snotty-nosed brats and wailing blues in the familiar confines of the park worked their usual magic.
The news was unnerving for those who had left the familiar confines of old media to join the Web adventure.
He is usually a few hundred yards away, safely ensconced in the familiar confines of his clubhouse.
The quiet, familiar confines of Herewiss's mind went up in a terrible conflagration.