Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
It would show, he said, that no false representations have been made.
"It is significant that a company accused of making false representations to the Government has been held accountable."
It is possible for these ideas to constitute either accurate or false representations.
Unfortunately, the usual false representation of statistics to demonstrate what?
False representations of the costs involved in the enlargement are doing the rounds.
They further argued that "but for" the false representations, the injuries would not have occurred.
Greenfield's book, while very well researched, is ultimately a false representation of a good man.
There were no false representations made that the district attorney of Cloverdale is willing to act on.
For Heather, even a false representation of her husband harming their child was something she didn't want to witness.
He accused them of "making false representations" and having "a very cavalier attitude."
She admitted four charges of making a false representation to obtain benefit and asked for 18 others to be taken into consideration.
"The trap of the present" relies on false representation.
But in May 1988 she filed suit to invalidate it, on the grounds of false representations.
If that man has obtained an injunction, he has done so by false representation.
False representation aside, there's one point the powerful dairy industry won't let us forget: milk is pretty cheap.
Some conservationists fear the public's being misled by false representation of footage.
"A litigant before the Supreme Court under false representation, that@ all!"
False representations of material facts to the testator; 2.
If a person makes a statement about something that he mistakenly believes to be untrue there is no false representation.
She obtained a divorce, though by false representations.
You got in here under false representations.
The couple exported the equipment anyway, and made false representations that they had the proper documentation, the indictment says.
The article is mostly concerned with false representations to prospective home-site purchasers.
And indeed-now that I think back-nowhere have you made false representations."
This was, however, a false representation of the family as it was cousins, relatives, and children who owned these houses.