Humans are fallible beings (except for the Pope, of course).
Sure, the Federation was run by fallible beings who could make mistakes, but it was still the greatest hope for peace in the galaxy.
The criminal justice system is made up of human beings, and fallible beings make mistakes.
He never entertains the possibility that some of the hungry are fallible human beings who may bear a degree of responsibility for their situation.
This approach certainly helps you realize that you are dealing with another fallible human being.
Of course, people are fallible human beings and the Higher Power is not.
Of course, children grow up and learn that their heroes are fallible human beings like everyone else.
Reporters, he added, "are fallible human beings just like everybody else."
It is a state like any other, with a government composed of fallible human beings.
He managed to behave as if the politicians were fallible beings whom we hoped against hope to take seriously.