"I do believe the faith-based groups can reach people who otherwise would not be reached."
He has been a major force in mobilizing the city of Philadelphia to support faith-based and community groups.
It's entirely possible for faith-based groups to work with government in ways that respect the First Amendment.
First, the federal government uses "faith-based groups," for refugee placement.
Federal assistance to faith-based groups is not a constitutional but a political issue, for both state and church.
Ms. Gonzalez, for her part, is working with faith-based groups to help young prostitutes.
It works to advance the secretary's mission by building partnerships with faith-based groups, community organizations, and neighborhood leaders.
Our government will continue to support faith-based and community groups that bring hope to harsh places.
The president has used his appearances before faith-based groups as a way to communicate with black Americans.
Chalke has become a spokesman for the church in the national debate about the provision of public services by faith-based groups.