Crucial to the question of job creation is the issue of fair employment.
Many issues were debated, including the treatment "nationals" as well as "fair employment" and self-criticism.
There are workshops on fair housing, voting rights, fair employment, and desegregation of schools.
This group continued to fight for fair housing and fair employment by supporting legislation at the state level.
Dr. Davis served on a number of government panels dealing with fair employment and racial integration.
These call on American companies with Northern Irish plants to practise fair employment there.
They accept the aim of fair employment; indeed their government is putting through a similar, if weaker, law.
There's increasing interest in fair employment in Northern Ireland, particularly from state and local pension funds.
June 23, 2011 Today we recognize the unsung heroes who made fair employment possible.
You've driven the crew in violation of Labor's program of fair employment.