She felt faintly uneasy at his hesitancy.
She didn't know what it was, but there was something about him that made her pulse rate increase, made her feel faintly uneasy.
It only took a few minutes, then Friso called something through the half-open door and the man came in, smiling and faintly uneasy at the sight of his wife.
Looking at once senatorial and faintly uneasy, they are eyeing a stylized figure of a woman wearing a gigantic flowered hat.
Forbin was faintly uneasy and gained time relighting his pipe.
The difference in perspective between the human-sized objects in the room and the insect's-eye view made Renie faintly uneasy, like staring down a very steep angle.
She masked it, but he had succeeded in making her faintly uneasy.
Bundle felt faintly uneasy.
Roanne Kulakoff's "Subermerged Self-Portrait Series," with its sequential head shots of the artist imperturbably watching air bubbles escape from her lips, strikes a faintly uneasy but deadpan note.
There was something in his expression that I didn't understand, and it made me faintly uneasy.