In 1983, the company failed amid charges that De Lorean and friends looted $17 million.
But an earlier effort to erase inequities failed amid loud complaints about painful budget cuts.
My senses fail me amid such a chaos of iniquities.
Both proposals ultimately failed amid concerns that they would lead to excessive state intervention over free speech.
Empire failed amid charges of large-scale fraud in 1984.
He failed three times at 20 feet, amid wide speculation that he did so on purpose.
It failed amid acrimony between the networks and baseball, and the impact of the players' strike.
Arkansas was only one of many places that have seen incentive plans fail amid cheating and scandal.
In the early 1980's, there was an effort to change the school board to an elected one, but it failed amid strong opposition from City Hall.
One has to wonder why so many fail amid plenty.