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It was an extraordinary expenditure of energy toward a negative end.
Others will question the extraordinary expenditure to keep a horse alive when he may never be able to walk again on his own.
There shall be a register for all that relates to secret extraordinary expenditure.
There was, however, also an anticipated extraordinary expenditure of no less than 11,600,000,000 marks.
After this extraordinary expenditure of energy, the cast rolled out of sight under a curtain.
It was anticipated that the extraordinary expenditure would amount to over 7,000,000,000 francs.
The Finance Ministry is less enthusiastic than the trade ministry over large research programs that promise extraordinary expenditures.
It suffered from famine in 1897, 1900 and other years, to such an extent that it has had to incur a heavy debt for extraordinary expenditure.
The Governor-General himself was forbidden to authorize extraordinary expenditures from the treasury without express royal permission, except in cases of riot or invasion.
Efforts to fund extraordinary expenditure on the conflict between Buenos Aires and the other provinces of the Confederation caused the fiscal deficit to skyrocket.
The punch of the report came in its conclusion, which bluntly talked of "extraordinary expenditures made for the personal expenses of the President of the Republic."
Pliny cites a case in which a large sum was paid for a single fish, and an extraordinary expenditure of time was lavished upon these slow-learning pets.
Funding of extraordinary expenditure at a time when an extraordinary situation is announced helps a state to repair the damage brought about by atmospheric conditions or a natural disaster.
Generally, the monarch paid for daily administration with ordinary revenues (customs, feudal dues, and sales of land) while Parliament covered extraordinary expenditures (such as war) with taxation.
The war policy 1547-1549 had entailed an extraordinary expenditure of about £350,000 p.a. against a regular Crown income of £150,000 p.a.
Management board chairman Hans-Olaf Henkel said that transfer reduced its extraordinary loss to $562m last year when it had extraordinary expenditure of $1,134m.
Grama Panchayats are allowed to levy surcharges up to 5% of the property tax for meeting any extraordinary expenditure by way of implementation of a scheme, plan or projects.
Critics of SDI argued that the technological objective was unattainable, that the attempt would likely accelerate the arms race, and that the extraordinary expenditures amounted to a military-industrial boondoggle.
One of the primary concerns facing Congress was the question of funding: given a surfeit of volunteers, the Union Army military incurred extraordinary expenditures as they trained and armed a martial force.
Jefferson's headaches and irascible outbursts combined with his extraordinary expenditure of money to produce or create evidence against me (Jefferson never spent public money) was proof to me of his irrationality that season.
We have a surplus because we have not had extraordinary expenditures - we have had very low costs on intervention and a very low cost on export refunds - and therefore we can manage this specific situation.
Bissell said today's order directs the elder Lee and others to carry on the I.B.F.'s "normal course of business," but to avoid "extraordinary expenditures," including any payment of legal fees for the officials out of organization funds.
Berlin, August 4: A Bill was presented in the Reichstag today authorising the Imperial Chancellor to raise a credit of five milliards of marks - about 250 millions sterling - to meet non-recurring extraordinary expenditure.
Mr Hintze, alarmed by suggestions that he was backing Mr Werritty and underwriting his activities, ordered his employee to explain how the company had been set up and was operated, then discovered the extraordinary expenditure, sources said.