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This year four of them agreed to set a low common external tariff instead.
Chile would retain the right to set its own external tariffs.
When a group of countries form a customs union they must introduce a common external tariff.
Argentina and Chile impose average external tariffs of 11 percent.
Chile, South America's only other large economy, has a flat external tariff of 11 percent.
Now, any product can be sold whatever its origin; the only barrier is a common external tariff ranging between 5% and 20%.
We have done so for years in the real economy with the Common External Tariff.
Already, Paraguay, has reduced its top external tariff, for imported consumer goods, to 10 percent.
Early last year, the pact's five members vowed to liberalize trade and create joint external tariffs.
On Jan. 1, the five are forming a customs union by adopting common external tariffs, averaging about 14 percent.
Chile, heavily dependent on foreign trade, has external tariffs of 9 percent and plans to drop them to 6 percent.
Benelux, for instance, had already moved forward to setting up a low common external tariff with no internal tariffs.
Chile's external tariffs were already well below the levels which the Mercosur countries contemplated in their initial cuts.
Such policies as establishing a common external tariff and a common trade policy promote an infant industry argument.
Not being one of the major trading nations, France needed to raise most of its government's revenues internally rather than from external tariffs.
That was the case with the European Community, which is a free trade area with no internal tariffs and a common external tariff.
The common external tariff is a mild form of economic union, but may lead to further types of economic integration.
We must re-establish the common external tariffs abolished by the Maastricht Agreements.
It is also within the EU's common external tariff but they may charge customs in a non-discriminatory manner.
In the southern common market, known as Mercosul, external tariffs are being cut by more than half to reach a 20 percent ceiling by June.
When a customs union is formed, the member nations establish a free trade area amongst themselves and a common external tariff on non-member nations.
The new scheme provides that, by December 31st 1994, the four countries are to share a common external tariff, with free movement of goods and services among themselves.
New Zealand and Australia already have a common competition policy but are unlikely to have a common external tariff.
A customs union is a type of trade bloc which is composed of a free trade area with a common external tariff.
It applies the EU's common external tariff to goods from other countries (including the U.S.).