Dr. Spitzer said the subjects expressed different reasons for wanting to become heterosexual.
It was pointless to go into all the widely expressed reasons many soldiers considered Washington a poor choice for his high post.
In letters and interviews, many people have expressed similar reasons for giving to the fund, whose 84th annual appeal is now under way.
Olympia Snowe expressed substantive reasons for changing her vote on health care between the Finance Committee bill and the final Senate version.
They are distinguished from "cause challenges," the narrower, more easily expressed reasons for which a juror may be excused.
A literary epistle published in the 1990s expresses reasons for creating a community, some of which resemble Sadducean arguments in the Talmud.
The board members who pushed the policy through had repeatedly expressed religious reasons for opposing evolution, though they tried to dissemble during the trial.
Waterbury excuses students from the pledge if they bring a note from their parents, expressing religious reasons for not reciting the pledge.
Recent surveys conducted by various industry groups show that business fliers as well as leisure travelers express several reasons for their reluctance to resume traveling at previous levels.
One of the merchants from Marseille expressed his moderate views regarding the revolution, and reasons for supporting civil war against a central government.