Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
This formula can help you express messages that make you feel uncomfortable.
Immediately after her death an express message was sent to Apsley House.
If you have changed to a larger size and get small type when you print an Outlook Express message, Microsoft suggests a few further steps.
To find Outlook Express messages in Windows XP, search for ".
FS can be of any length and can be used to express messages, functions, social solidarity and process information very fast without communication misunderstanding.
No need - just send a modern submarine down with the express message that any hostile surface ship approaches within a set distance will be sunk without further warning.
To turn on HTML formatting for your Outlook Express messages, open the program and go to the Tools menu.
Express messages were also sent to General Doveton to come immediately with the Second Division of the Army from Berar.
After sending an express message, Holmes invites Dr. Watson and Lestrade to join him outside a house in Chiswick where apparently Holmes is expecting another bust-breaking.
While you do this you may have little spare capacity for monitoring the feelings of people in the meeting and spotting members who are silently expressing messages such as dissent, apathy, boredom, anger, confusion and so on.
An express message was sent to Sultan Mahmud, and he arrived about three weeks later (26 May) to be greeted by the sight of a vast hoard of treasure captured by 'Ali's men.
In addition, instant messaging (called eXpress Messages - or simply Xes - in the lingo of DOC BBSes and other citadel-derived systems) provides a venue for private discussion and conversation.
Speaking on behalf of the Virgin Mary, Caruana has expressed messages of support for Malta's anti-abortion perspective, saying that only "those who have cast aside Jesus Christ can regard abortion as a good thing".
Express messages were sent to the Admiralty in London, and received the reply that a battleship and a sloop had been sent in pursuit of the privateer; also that a frigate was being stationed in the area for future protection.
It allows you to send, receive, and forward messages, URLs, SMSes (both through the ICQ server and email gateways supported by Mirabilis), contacts, and email express messages, and it has many other useful features.
An express message was sent from Oxford to Sir William Ogle, instructing him to co-operate with Colonel Gage, by entering Basing Park at the rear of the Parliamentarian quarters between four and five o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, 11 September.