They now export 70 percent of their products, up from 50 percent three years ago.
But it exports barely 4 percent of that amount.
Until recently, it exported 40 percent of the energy it produced.
Under the law, Washington will be allowed to continue to export 25 percent of its state-owned logs.
Iraq exported some 100,000 barrels a day, or 7.7 percent of Japan's needs.
From the very start, Vaisala was an international business, exporting 95 percent of the production.
Australia exported 78 percent of its hard coal production in 2009.
The company exports about 60 percent of the beer it makes.
Selling goods in 80 countries, it exports almost 40 percent of its production.
Under the new understanding, the joint ventures will be able to export 100 percent of their production through the pipeline.