The positive effect of job creation in foreign firms is associated with their firm characteristics and, in particular, their access to export markets.
The government claims the system improves food safety and access to export markets, and assists with disease management.
The plan is to capitalise on this relatively smooth path to export markets around the world.
The mill's two main domestic competitors are in western Russia, closer to export markets and raw materials.
The treaty also removed access to export markets; at the end of 1925, work stopped for three months as a result of the lost business.
A number of these made it out to export markets in late 1976.
A growing number of standards are based on European and international standards, which enable easier access to export markets that use the same standards.
In 2011, 60 percent of sales went to export markets.
It will also promote growth in the economy, make European farmers and companies more competitive and provide new access to export markets.
The poorest countries require access for their goods to export markets.