White truffles ( Tuber magnatum ) are by far the most expensive variety.
The most expensive variety comes from the mountainous region just north of Kyoto.
As a result, he said, even while they paid more than ever before for their food, many consumers would be forced to choose less expensive varieties.
For special needs, stronger, more expensive varieties are carried by locksmiths.
The most common and least expensive variety is polyester-based.
They are said to be the most expensive variety of grapes.
More expensive varieties beat the unwary user about the head and neck.
Unscrupulous dealers have been known to mix in a less expensive variety.
Psychoanalysis has generally been the most expensive variety of psychotherapy, sometimes as much as $100 or more a session.
There were also many art books, of the big and expensive variety, and I leafed through a few of these.