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"Have we arrived back at the question of expected benefits?"
Talk with your doctor about the expected benefits and side effects of any medicine.
We also believe that the proposal goes much too far in view of its expected benefits.
However, for some companies, simulation has not provided the expected benefits.
Are the expected benefits worth the costs, or would company resources be better used for developing new domestic business?
Six years after its announcement, it is yet to achieve expected benefits for students, parents and schools.
What are the expected benefits from the introduction of a single European currency?
And these expected benefits were things such as performance, data could reside closer to its point of most frequent use.
We also agree that the scale and cost of data collection should not be disproportionate to the expected benefits.
Know your medications, including expected benefits and side effects.
Would the expected benefits in productivity be worth the anguish of the transition?
The expected benefits include increased agricultural production and hydropower generation.
Back in September, though, the talk was still of the expected benefits to be realized by reuniting the two actors.
Compare these costs against the expected benefits in increased revenues or saved expenses.
A strained relationship, however, can detract significant value from the expected benefits of the initiative.
"We return to the question of expected benefits."
Business groups say the increases will further slow the economy and all but erase the expected benefits of an income tax cut passed by Parliament.
However, for the directive to deliver the expected benefits, it must be properly implemented.
Macro-segmentation without micro-segmentation cannot provide the expected benefits to the organisation.
Thus far, three large human studies of beta-carotene supplements have failed to demonstrate the expected benefits.
But they said they were not surprised by how much the merger's expected benefits had grown.
According to the Commission, the expected benefits of these amendments are to provide more complete information about market risk sensitive instruments to investors and others.
The project document continues with a good deal of detail about the erosion works, areas to be covered by different treatments, and the expected benefits.
But weaker investment returns or higher management fees could erode those expected benefits.
The company considers that it has not obtained the expected benefits and finalizes the contract.