At the outbreak of World War I, the 2nd Mounted Division were posted to guard the coast of Norfolk from an expected German invasion.
He was evacuated from Dunkirk and on his return to Britain was posted to coastline duties in anticipation of the expected German invasion.
The 2nd Battalion was in Bombay in 1939, being transported back to England in July 1940 to defend Britain against the expected German invasion.
After Operation Dynamo was completed, he was faced with the enormous problems of defending the waters off Dover from the expected German invasion.
The speech was given as the United Kingdom prepared for the expected German invasion.
On 6 April, the expected German invasion began and they advanced so rapidly a threat to Florina Gap became apparent.
The British Army was sent to France to defend against the expected German invasion but for months nothing...
In the United Kingdom, boys of 17 were accepted into the Home Guard when it was formed in 1940, in preparation for an expected German invasion.
In the final stages of the war, he was recalled to duty, and assigned as commander of the Osaka region for the expected American invasion of the Japanese home islands.
The messages were orders that the legions withdraw to Italia to help repel the expected German invasion.