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A turbocharger, on the other hand, gets its power from the exhaust stream.
In both cases the turbine exhaust stream is dumped overboard.
"Or more precisely, from their fusion drive exhaust stream.
Significant enough that the side of the beam is colliding with our exhaust stream, rather than the other way around."
The Suliban soldiers and their leader rose out of the exhaust stream as the big ship moved away from the pad.
"We must keep a continuous exhaust stream pouring into it until it passes."
To further boost the power output, fuel is dumped into the exhaust stream, where it ignites.
Once these features are in place, remaining emissions must be dealt with using devices further down the exhaust stream, known as aftertreatment.
Very small particles (less than 0.1 m in diameter) experience random movement in an exhaust stream.
Therefore, the quencher should be sized to allow for an adequate exhaust stream residence time.
They can either destroy contaminants or remove them from an exhaust stream before it is emitted into the atmosphere.
In addition to using liquid sprays or the exhaust stream, scrubbing systems can use motors to supply energy.
Tests show that air forced into a jet engine exhaust stream can deflect thrust up to 15 degrees.
He followed her every move, chasing her ship's exhaust stream through the dangerous navigational hazards.
Waited to see if they had miscalculated and the laser was beating down on them and not the exhaust stream.
In a wet scrubbing system, dust particles will tend to follow the streamlines of the exhaust stream.
A modern turbine engine is extremely efficient, and there is still a lot of oxygen available in the exhaust stream.
The idea behind an afterburner is to inject fuel directly into the exhaust stream and burn it using this remaining oxygen.
The increased airflow over the engine radiator helped to dump the engine's excess heat into the exhaust stream.
Conventional turbines extract energy from the exhaust stream by lowering its pressure as it expands though the turbine.
Mechanically aided scrubbers have been used to control exhaust streams containing particulate matter.
The air assault began just after sunrise, and by midmorning, the skies were crisscrossed with the exhaust streams of American planes.
These particles are so tiny that they are bumped by gas molecules as they move in the exhaust stream.
An oxygen sensor in the exhaust stream makes sure there is enough oxygen available for the catalyst to work and adjusts things if necessary.
In other words, idling, cruising, and lugging a heavy load up a hill can substantially affect the composition of the exhaust stream.