There's nothing that will excuse his actions, but I can almost understand his hatred for me.
Nothing said in this trial memorandum is intended to excuse the President's actions.
It was largely a rhetorical question - anything can be rationalized, but that doesn't excuse the school's actions.
"I can neither excuse nor explain my actions," he said in court.
And even if it's true, that doesn't excuse your actions.
"I cannot and will not attempt to excuse my actions," he said in a statement released when the first news article appeared.
"You can't excuse your actions by saying, 'I'm just doing my job.' "
I've thought of every possible reason for excusing her actions, but the facts remain.
That could easily excuse my actions, but my conscience wouldn't allow it.
"That I used a position of power to advance ideological and personal positions does not excuse my actions," he said.