Though he had a reputation as an "exceptionally competent administrator" and a man of great loyalty to his supervisors, Blaylock was seen as a "poor campaigner".
Philadelphia Lawyer is a term to describe a lawyer who knows the most detailed and minute points of law or is an exceptionally competent lawyer.
Some exceptionally competent Deryni have even been known to take on the shape of another person.
The company is described as exceptionally competent and creative, in large part because, while government-owned, it operates with great independence.
Historically, the collegial government of Switzerland has been assessed both internationally and nationally as exceptionally competent and stable.
Miller hoped that John Berry was an exceptionally competent and discerning man.
He was also, Valery had said earlier, an exceptionally competent leader.
But most owners, I would guess, will leave the shift timing to the transmission's exceptionally competent electronic brain.
Regarding the Commission, Commissioner Almunia, with my full support and the support of the College, performed his job in an exceptionally competent way.
"You're all exceptionally competent."