In general you have been an excellent and conscientious administrator.
Respected both as an author, a church leader and a diplomat, Timothy was also an excellent administrator.
He was an excellent administrator and organizer, but his true talents turned out to be as a combat leader.
We are also fortunate to have excellent administrators keeping it all on track!
That might not prevent him from being an excellent administrator, as was obvious from the condition of his lands and the people living on them.
If not an innovator, he was an excellent administrator, tidy and to the point.
Colleagues considered Kibbe an excellent administrator because record keeping and activity reporting improved.
Barker was an excellent administrator and proved to be an humane friend to the local indigenous people of both commands.
Fieldmarshals often rise to positions of responsibility in work because they tend to be devoted to their jobs and are excellent administrators.
He is an excellent administrator but easily cracks under the pressures of battle.