From the 2007 and 2008 exam results it seems that sitting the standard grades in 3rd year has no effect on the pass rate.
When Martin did get his exam results back, Guy lied to Martin about passing them.
His exam results you would expect to be good.
Myself, and any other teacher, can walk around the streets surrounding any school and predict their exam results accurate to a few percent.
If you have just gained the exam results you need for a place at university or college, or for a job, than congratulations!
Not getting the exam results you expected is a lot more common than you might think.
And exam results more than 2SD above mean 0.2743 - so there's a slight connection between results and funding in the best areas.
A gynecological exam resulted in my being given a drug that caused a seizure, nearly killed me and was eventually taken off the market.
Coupled with the improved 2008 exam results the school has been classified as a high performing specialist school for the next four years.
She had been very close to him and his unexpected death probably affected her final exam results that summer.