I gave him everything he would need to see him through the first winter, and we parted with vows of everlasting friendship, and promises to visit one another often.
Through Holladay's everlasting friendship with Brigham Young, he established a profitable freighting contract to Salt Lake.
When Ouisa asks him what he is after, his answer is "everlasting friendship."
Besides an everlasting friendship, these three women also share the similar misfortune of being abandoned by their husbands.
He developed everlasting friendships with Deltora's dragons and even explored Deltora's underworld and befriended the Pirran people that had sheltered themselves there.
The bit about the warmth of an everlasting friendship really got to me.
So the three boys go through the trials and tribulations of love and college life and in the process form an everlasting friendship.
The two swear everlasting friendship over sacred fire.
However, Spring falls ill and comes under the care of a screenwriter by the name of Soya (Wong) and they find themselves developing into a tight and everlasting friendship.
His love had no barriers, his kindness no limits, his friendship everlasting.