It has 8,110 inhabitants, the majority of whom are ethnic Macedonians.
Statistics for 2002 indicate the population of ethnic Macedonians within the country as c. 1,300,000.
During this period, ethnic Macedonians living in the region continue to complain of official harassment.
Ethnic Macedonians fear that if the influx continues, they could find themselves in the minority.
In 2002, 25,847 people declared themselves as ethnic Macedonians.
The latter has no reported connection to ethnic Macedonians.
However, estimates state that up to 9,000-10,000 ethnic Macedonians may live in England.
The official number of ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria is 5,071.
This date is now celebrated by ethnic Macedonians as the day they were first allowed to freely state their nationality.
The majority of the population are ethnic Macedonians.