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"People think that because art has become more important, they should figure it into their estate planning," she said.
"Without estate planning, it could really change the face of Colorado."
There were also estate planning considerations for family members, he said.
For most estate planning, you need the help of a good lawyer, which means there are costs involved.
She tells him that she'd feel better with some basic estate planning.
Her parents are lawyers with a tax and estate planning practice in Atlanta.
Estate planning, he says, provides them a last chance to build character.
"People think of estate planning as only wills," she said.
The ladies' next book, he said, will be a guide to estate planning.
That form of title is also used for estate planning purposes, he said.
A trust company that offers estate planning and other advice.
It also offers the owner major estate planning and current tax benefits.
Jackson, who said she was "over 60," needed help with estate planning.
So when homeowners start thinking about estate planning, a major issue is what will become of that investment.
One of the simplest estate planning strategies is giving money away.
The company describes the benefit as an estate planning tool.
The reason for the tax complication lies in estate planning.
Families who have disabled or impaired children need to take particular care in estate planning.
The firm also started to offer estate planning valuation services.
But through good financial and estate planning, they can avoid many of the pitfalls.
Fortune magazine called her will "a model of smart estate planning."
They suggested he consider a career in estate planning, where the reading load might not be so great.
This can become a very powerful tool for purposes of estate planning.
It's very important for estate planning purposes to know where the money is."
But some people see many benefits in results-oriented estate planning.