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This is the approach which most applies to eschatological studies.
Eschatological scenarios may include a new different world after the end time of the current one.
"As to the eschatological aspects of his activities, those are the last things I want to think about."
Three years later, in 2004, another eschatological event is about to occur again.
It is also possible to read an eschatological message into the verse.
It is the base and anchor of the four final or eschatological things.
Both are eschatological battles for the life principle against the forces of death.
The creatures of every eschatological case laughed at that one.
Thus he does not believe it to refer to any particular historical or eschatological event.
Death has always been part of the day job; now it is becoming a more eschatological preoccupation, at least for the men.
The movie, like the book, is chiefly an eschatological meditation.
A religious mania that turned daily life into eschatological emergency?
After all, the age had produced a sustained eschatological delirium.
There are, however, various views concerning the order and significance of other eschatological events.
The general impression is reminiscent of a spiritual quest or an eschatological experience.
There is also debate over how eschatological the third petition is.
Luckily for the eschatological metaphor we're working with, the winner was Moses!
After July came and went, fans of eschatological prophecy calmed down a bit.
The doctrine of Martinez is described as a key to any eschatological cosmology.
This explains the tendency in history (and philosophy) to an eschatological view of human progress.
"If there is one thing that liberalism has no time for, it's an eschatological mentality.
Possibly the news were made worse from the population and provoked an eschatological agitation.
He also believes that this verse is a modification of the clearly eschatological one at Mark 13:31.
Thus there was apparently a shift in eschatological beliefs.
There was discussion of the sun's alarming flicker, and much speculation along eschatological lines.